01[20:00] <@ErikTheRed> thanks for coming everyone 01[20:00] <@ErikTheRed> my name is Erik Nelson, I'm the president for PLUG. [20:01] <@twopt0> I'm Max Hapner, VP, Treasurer, and Webmaster 01[20:01] <@ErikTheRed> I'm a management major with minors in MIS and economics [20:01] <@twopt0> I'm getting in his way, sorry 01[20:01] <@ErikTheRed> it's fine 01[20:01] <@ErikTheRed> i figured people might want to know 01[20:02] <@ErikTheRed> alright you can continue with your intro max [20:03] <@twopt0> Thanks. /embarrassed [20:03] <@twopt0> Ok, right. Again, I'm Max Hapner, and I'm supposed to be doing all other important functions of the club. I'm a Computer Technology major, specializing in networking 01[20:03] <@ErikTheRed> alright, the first order of business is figuring out details for the spring callout 01[20:05] <@ErikTheRed> this week is probably too soon and next week is the SMEF career fair so I'd prefer to do it the first week of february [20:06] ok 01[20:06] <@ErikTheRed> so what days are best for everyone? [20:06] i don't really have any preference [20:06] <@twopt0> Tuesday or Thursday evening are best for me, though I could do anything if need be 01[20:08] <@ErikTheRed> well any evening is open for me so it really depends if anyone else has conflicts 01[20:11] <@ErikTheRed> i'm going to take that silence as meaning that no one has any conflicts that week [20:11] eh. i forgot about tests [20:11] but i don't care too much about those [20:11] Monday isn't good for me.. 01[20:12] <@ErikTheRed> how about tuesday february 3rd? 01[20:12] -> *chanserv* op #purduelug vax 03[20:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +o vax 01[20:12] <@ErikTheRed> hey vax 01[20:13] <@ErikTheRed> any preference for time on tuesday the 3rd? 01[20:13] <@ErikTheRed> i get out of class at 5:45 so 7 or 8pm is probably the best time for me [20:13] not particularly [20:13] <@twopt0> Anything after 6, so that sounds good [20:14] <@vax> i'm good for whenever, as long as I remember :) [20:14] lol 01[20:14] <@ErikTheRed> alright let's shoot for 7pm on Tuesday February 3rd [20:14] ok 01[20:15] <@ErikTheRed> my preference would be to do it somewhere in lawson so we can go to the office if we need to [20:15] that's fine with me [20:15] <@twopt0> If we just squat in the lounge we'll get plenty of attention... but might bother people wanting to meet or study there 01[20:16] <@ErikTheRed> yeah i don't really want to take up the lounge 01[20:16] <@ErikTheRed> bah i can't remember the website to reserve a room [20:17] <@twopt0> If you need assistance, I have breaks tomorrow at 9:30am and 12:30pm for bumming about Schleman 01[20:19] <@ErikTheRed> ah found the website 01[20:21] <@ErikTheRed> oh man i forgot how horrid this thing was [20:21] lol [20:21] we should think about publicity too 01[20:22] <@ErikTheRed> yeah [20:22] flyers around the buildings might be a good idea 01[20:22] <@ErikTheRed> i was thinking to advertise the callout we could have everyone print out some flyers and post them in the buildings that they have classes in [20:23] that sounds good [20:23] someone will have to come up with a design 01[20:24] <@ErikTheRed> we could probably just use the old one we have with tux on it [20:24] oh ok [20:24] <@twopt0> Was that the one that lacked eyes? x_x 01[20:25] <@ErikTheRed> lol maybe 01[20:25] <@ErikTheRed> i can probably whip one up pretty easily if we want one with eyes [20:25] i think it should be simple and bold 01[20:26] <@ErikTheRed> yeah 01[20:26] <@ErikTheRed> ok i submitted a request for a room in lawson [20:26] <@twopt0> Should there be any text besides the club name? I agree with linux_stu, simplicity is best 01[20:27] <@ErikTheRed> maybe something simple like "Interested in free/open-source software?" [20:27] what about 'LINUX' in huge letters? [20:27] <@twopt0> ErikTheRed: Too complicated. How about "Interested in Freedom?" 01[20:27] <@ErikTheRed> LOL [20:27] lol [20:27] <@twopt0> yes, it's corny 01[20:27] <@ErikTheRed> maybe it should just be the club name 01[20:28] <@ErikTheRed> and the callout details [20:28] ok [20:28] yeah sounds good [20:28] big letters [20:28] because there are always so many posters, i rarely pay attention to one unless i happen to see a word that interests me [20:29] <@twopt0> PURDUE LINUX USERS GROUP <-- largest, bold [20:29] <@twopt0> Callout Tuesday Feb. 3, Lawson room# <-- smaller, plain [20:29] time also [20:29] <@twopt0> d'oh, time [20:29] lol 01[20:29] <@ErikTheRed> yeah probably title on the first line, the tux picture and then the meeting details below that [20:29] sounds good to me. does landscape or portrait matter? 01[20:30] <@ErikTheRed> portait is probably fine [20:30] <@twopt0> Portrait, I think. Penguin sitting on top, PURDUE LINUX USERS GROUP on .. 2 lines? in the middle, details at bottom [20:30] you know we could go for more than one design potentially, or would that be too complicated? 01[20:31] <@ErikTheRed> we could [20:31] <@twopt0> Is it too late to ride the coattails of the "change" meme? [20:31] haha [20:32] i think i've seen enough of that, personally [20:32] <@twopt0> Agreed, actually 01[20:35] <@ErikTheRed> ok, i'll work on the flyer after this 01[20:35] <@ErikTheRed> do we want to do some kind of regular meeting? 01[20:35] <@ErikTheRed> like every two weeks or so? 01[20:35] <@ErikTheRed> (moving on to our next issue, that is) [20:35] <@twopt0> For what purpose(s) would we have this regular meeting? [20:35] we could. i think one problem with plug is that we don't have much to do [20:36] <@twopt0> We could roam campus looking for people struggling with PAL2.0. That's about all we've done lately, anyways [20:36] lmao [20:36] i have PAL2.0 working well [20:37] <@twopt0> PAL2.0 works for me in most places, but in Lawson, my laptop freezes after connecting. Just in Lawson, as far as I've seen. I often just use PAL 1 [20:37] <@twopt0> Back to topic... [20:37] what engaging/interactive activity could we do at a meeting? [20:38] <@twopt0> We tried, last semester, having social meetings near the Union Starbucks. Anyone interested in restarting that? 01[20:38] <@ErikTheRed> yeah we could try that at least [20:38] ok 01[20:38] <@ErikTheRed> i have a few ideas for actual meetings with a purpose as well [20:38] I'd be up for that 01[20:40] <@ErikTheRed> well we could try and do the social meetings every two weeks, or do them once a month and on the other second week we could do a presentation or something? 01[20:40] <@ErikTheRed> any thoughts? [20:41] that's fine [20:41] well [20:41] what sort of presentations do you have in mind? [20:41] i do think a social kind of gathering is a good idea 01[20:42] <@ErikTheRed> well should we meet in the union or elsewhere? [20:43] purely social meetings have never seemed to do well with the plug membership... [20:43] lol [20:43] i've seen quite a few plug presidents try to pull that [20:44] it seems like a great idea until people show up and sit in awkward silence for an hour [20:44] <@twopt0> Yeah... and afterwards, we geeks go and get distracted by the next shiny thing [20:44] well i was just thinking that one of the things i enjoy doing with linux is messing around with a bunch of different stuff. it's hard for people with different distros and different interests within linux to do the same thing together [20:44] yep [20:45] perhaps plan a 15-20 minute talk and leave the rest of an hour to discuss the topic or something like that? 01[20:45] <@ErikTheRed> well we could try the social thing and if it doesn't work well we can just stop doing it 01[20:45] <@ErikTheRed> yeah that seems a little more structured, which might be what we need 01[20:46] <@ErikTheRed> so maybe we should plan some talks out and then afterwards we could just all get dinner or something [20:47] ok 01[20:47] <@ErikTheRed> so some topic brainstorming would be appropriate now I think [20:47] hmm 01[20:48] <@ErikTheRed> one i was thinking of was running windows software via wine [20:48] ok that sounds good [20:48] how experienced is everyone? [20:48] i could probably offer a short talk about ipv6 under linux and to arrange a Math data center tour 01[20:49] <@ErikTheRed> that sounds good [20:49] ipv6 would be interesting 01[20:50] <@ErikTheRed> i'd also like to try doing a "present an open source project that you like" [20:50] agreed, I'm not sure how much use most of us would get out of a talk on wine, but the ipv6 sounds great [20:50] <@twopt0> Maybe if someone could try out an Active Directory or Exchange replacement on their home network and give a presentation on Is Linux Ready For The Pointy-Haired Boss? presentation 01[20:50] <@ErikTheRed> i think there's a lot of cool projects out there that everyone is not aware of 01[20:50] <@ErikTheRed> i'm not doing the AD/Exchange replacement [20:50] abentspoon, to answer your question, i have used linux as my primary operating system since may of last year. semi-experienced. 01[20:51] <@ErikTheRed> anyone else feel free though [20:51] lol 01[20:51] <@ErikTheRed> sorry too many horror stories [20:51] i don't know anything about it [20:51] <@twopt0> I might give it a shot myself. I have three functioning computers, so a small network is make-able 01[20:52] <@ErikTheRed> alright 01[20:52] <@ErikTheRed> as for the wine, i only really use it to run games :P 01[20:53] <@ErikTheRed> but i don't know if we have many gamers [20:53] i don't really use it at all [20:53] i don't game [20:53] <@twopt0> My most recent use of Wine is to run Stuffit Expander to prepare Mac System 7 floppies... 3 ecosystems at once 01[20:53] <@ErikTheRed> haha 01[20:54] <@ErikTheRed> what about my other idea, any thoughts on that? [20:54] <@twopt0> Just reminded myself... [20:54] <@twopt0> Working on reviving a Mac LCIII. Busted System 7 installation, made it boot off a Linux rescue floppy [20:54] i'd also like to try doing a "present an open source project that you like" <---- that one? [20:54] <@twopt0> wondering how much of a working Linux distribution I can assemble on it 01[20:54] <@ErikTheRed> yeah that one [20:55] well, i don't really know much in-depth information about anything [20:55] not enough to present about anything 01[20:55] <@ErikTheRed> well it doesn't have to be super in-depth or anything 01[20:56] <@ErikTheRed> just show how to use it, what it does, what cool features it has [20:56] <@twopt0> linux_stu: I'm certain you have time outside your engineering studies... :P [20:56] twopt0, really i don't really do much of anything [20:56] sadly... 01[20:56] <@ErikTheRed> that's probably enough brainstorming for now 01[20:57] <@ErikTheRed> i'll try and plan our first meeting for two weeks after the callout, as long as there's no conflicts [20:57] k 01[20:57] <@ErikTheRed> next item: do we want to do a big event like installfest? [20:57] <@twopt0> Good points; we usually order pizza [20:58] that'd be fine. do those generally generate much interest/participation? [20:58] <@twopt0> Bad points: few people ever show [20:58] <@twopt0> I remember one Installfest was more about watching movies and playing games than installing Linux for people... that's the kind of non-Installfest Installfest that's more successful, fun-wise [20:59] oh [20:59] perhaps you want to delay planning a big event until you see who all comes to the small meetings? [20:59] (since installfests are jokes these days.. most everywhere) 01[20:59] <@ErikTheRed> yeah 01[20:59] <@ErikTheRed> maybe it's a good idea to hold off on that 01[20:59] <@ErikTheRed> it wouldn't be until later in the semester anyhow 01[21:01] <@ErikTheRed> and the last thing, elections 01[21:01] <@ErikTheRed> april would probably be the best time 01[21:02] <@ErikTheRed> and maybe we should hold off on that as well to figure out how many members we have and what works best for everyone [21:02] ok [21:03] about how many people came to the meetings last semester? [21:03] <@twopt0> 3 [21:04] oh [21:05] wow... [21:07] i wonder how many members plug had say 10 years ago [21:07] installfests used to fill a large part of CL50 [21:07] oh my gosh [21:08] how long ago was this? [21:08] <@twopt0> Just a couple years [21:08] though, installing Linux was hard and made you cool [21:08] lol [21:10] ayounts, what year are you? [21:10] sophomore [21:11] i'm a townie, so i've just been around a long while [21:11] ah [21:13] i wonder what the future holds for PLUG 01[21:13] <@ErikTheRed> i do too :/ 01[21:13] <@ErikTheRed> alright i've got a flyer done [21:13] i just finished one too [21:13] <@twopt0> Either we'll expand as more people buy netbooks and/or other devices with Linux, or we'll shrink as Linux becomes easier to use and they just don't need us anymore [21:14] <@vax> hmm, I wasn't a part of PLUG until about 9 years ago.. [21:14] <@vax> still, the number of regular plug members wasn't that huge [21:14] vax is the gray haired staffer of PLUG... [21:14] <@vax> gray haired? [21:14] so you've been around awhile, vax [21:15] <@vax> I'm not *that* old [21:15] it comes with those 50 years [21:15] <@vax> psh [21:15] oh no... lag [21:15] heh [21:16] ErikTheRed, what's room number for the meeting? 01[21:16] <@ErikTheRed> hmm i figured you could upload attachments/files to wordpress but i can't figure out how to do it 01[21:16] <@ErikTheRed> i'm still waiting on confirmation from space management on the room [21:16] oh ok