
The Purdue Linux Users Group (PLUG) is a Free/Open Source Software enthusiast club that was founded in 1994. Members are interested in not just Linux, but also BSD, macOS, and other software that is Free/Open Source in whole or in part. Our meetings generally consist of social gatherings where we get together and talk tech, presentations by members or outside parties, expositions to the public at large, etc.

Our office is in Lawson B128, however we usually hold our meetings in SCHM 114.

You can join our mailing list here

See the sidebar for Matrix, IRC, and GitHub.

Past Presidents and Officers

YearPresidentVice PresidentTreasurerSecretary
2024-25Ersei SaggiLily SiwikLillith —
2023-24Logan Hickok-DicksonErsei SaggiLily Siwik
2022-23Caleb BergerDominic RussoDominic Russo
2021-22Larkin NickleDominic YoderCaleb BergerDominic Russo
2020-21June SlaterDominic YoderCaleb Berger
2019-20Thomas BerryhillDominic YoderJune Slater
2018-19Amol JhaDominic YoderParth Shelgaonkar
2017-18Nick GeirlandJeff Hughes
2016-17Evan WidloskiNick GeirlandJeff Hughes
2015-16Evan WidloskiNick GeirlandNick Geirland
2014-15Evan WidloskiNick GeirlandNick Geirland
2013-14Thor SmithKyle BrownAlex Ryker
2012-13Thor SmithSpencer JulianAlex Ryker
2011-12Casey DrummerSpencer JulianThor Smith
2010-11Casey DrummerSpencer JulianQuinn Damerell
2009-10Casey DrummerSpencer JulianQuinn Damerell
2008-09Erik Nelson
2006-07Luke HoerstenMichael Olson

Notable Members

2024-25Lillith —
2021-22Thomas Kennell
2020-21Thomas Kennell
2019-20Thomas Kennell
2018-19Dominic Yoder, Jack Cottom
2017-18Nick Geirland
2016-17Nick Geirland
2015-16Jeff Hughes
2014-15Jeff Hughes
2005-06David Overcash
2004-05David Overcash
1998-99Dave Jacoby
1997-98Dave Jacoby

Purdue Linux Users Group

Find us on Matrix at

Or on IRC at

Check out the GitHub organization for some of our projects!